Total PC Defender.exe Virus Removal

Total PC Defender.exe Removal Tool –

Total PC Defender.exe is part of Total PC Defender 2023, a fake antivirus program. For removal help with Total PC Defender 2023, please click here to view our official guide to remove Total PC Defender 2023. Defender.exe is associated with two different fake antivirus programs. These programs include Spyware Protection and Malware Protection. For removal help with Defender.exe, please click here. Spyware Protection and Malware Protection look different than Total PC Defender. However, all three are fake antivirus programs. For removal help with Spyware Protection and Malware Protection, please search the name of the fake antivirus program in the top right hand corner to find the removal guide.

File Location – C:\Program Files\Total PC Defender\Total PC Defender.exe

File Location – C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\defender.exe

Total PC Defender 2023

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This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 16th, 2024 at 6:44 am and is filed under Malware Removal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

18 Responses to “Total PC Defender.exe Virus Removal”

nuri April 1st, 2024 at 11:22 am

tengo un problema con este virus, el caso es que estuve buscándolo en la lista de procesos y le encontré (ave.exe) le di a desbloquear y desapareció, pero ahora intento abrir cualquier archivo y me pregunta siempre con que programa quiero abrirlo, y no se por que, pero antes no hacia eso y se habría automáticamente. Que es lo que pasa¿? ¡ por favor necesito una solución!

Dogtaro December 22nd, 2023 at 2:04 pm

I need serious help! I have a virus called Spyware Protection. It is also c alled Defender.exe. Should the proccess be the same as above? Help, please!!!

DudeOnAStick February 14th, 2024 at 10:33 pm

I got this too. I think from a lame codec. If you open the control panel for Defender, then you can un-click “start on Windows open”. Basically tell it not to run when you re-start. Then you can easily delete the Defender.exe file after restarting Windows. Worked fine for me and it is gone…

Iyce March 5th, 2024 at 7:57 pm

I contracted this virus within microseconds of visiting a new website. I had javascripting on (I’m usually cautious about leaving it off most of the time, but some days…I let it slip), so that may have been how it got on my system. The problem I’m having with the above suggested solution involving opening up the task manager and removing it as a process (then removing it from the HDD after) is apparantly, this version I got kept closing the task manager. The idiots who wrote this, however, screwed themselves by placing an icon in the START menu. Since I could not open ANY program at this point (part of it’s “you have a virus!” scam), I simply hit START, right clicked on the icon, clicked properties and found out where it was located. Luckily, the file explorer still ran so, I went to the directory and tried to delete it. Of course, it failed. But, I could RENAME it. So, after making it asdfasdf.biteme, I rebooted my system and it was removed. I then deleted the renamed file and used the malwarebytes program to make sure it had done nothing else. All I can say is maybe it’s a new version of this trashware and the clowns who wrote it were taking it for a test drive.

Hope this helps!

– Iyce

Joe March 28th, 2024 at 10:38 pm

IYCE … great advice. This virus drove me nuts and what you provided worked perfectly!!! Thanks.

LisaBee April 3rd, 2024 at 1:08 pm

That was perfect advice. My husband had been trying to mess with this for days. Not being anything close to a computer wiz, he wasn’t have much success. Then I came across your post and suggestion and ‘voila’…it was easy to understand, perform and it was a success!! Thank You!! Saved us a couple of hundred dollars taking into a computer shop.
You Rock! Thank you!

LisaBee April 3rd, 2024 at 1:08 pm

ps…we especially got a kick out of your ‘biteme’ rename, lol.

Pete April 3rd, 2024 at 4:12 pm

Thanks Iyce, worked perfectly first time round.

Derek April 6th, 2024 at 3:03 am

I just got this virus this afternoon.

In case renaming the file doesn’t work.
- restart windows in safe mode
- goto start > run > msconfig
- goto the StartUp tab and unclick defender.exe
- click apply and restart windows in normal mode
- goto C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data and delete defender.exe

Giacomo April 7th, 2024 at 7:56 pm

I too got this nasty/clever virus yesterday. Wished I’d known of this site. It would have saved me hours tracking down a solution.

jennifer April 9th, 2024 at 10:13 pm

Derek’s advice from April 6th worked for me. Thank you! My husband was on a vehicle parts website that he visits al the time and this awful virus popped up. It gotpast our virus scan. I’m so thankful that we did not activate it to do a full scan since it appeared legitimate. Anyway Derek’s steps worked perfectly. I also googled “how to restart windows 7 in safe mode”. I was told to select F8 and it worked. Thanks again Derek!

Patty May 5th, 2024 at 7:37 am

I didn’t even know this file/program’s name until I clicked Start>Turn Off Computer>Turn Off. A box popped up saying defender.exe was still running. Since nothing else was running (defender.exe was not allowing it) this had to be the nastyware. I shut off my computer by holding the On button located on the computer case for 7 seconds. Then I restarted the computer in “Safe Mode with Networking” by holding down the F8 key while pressing the On button located on the computer case. F8 shunts the computer over to some text-and-arrow-key choices; be patient as you might have to wait to get to those choices. After entering Safe Mode, I clicked Start>Search and searched for “defender.exe”. After the computer found it and told me where it was located, I pressed Start>Run and entered cmd and clicked OK. My path was C:\Documents and Settings\Username>. At the DOS prompt I entered cd application data, then my path was C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data> At the DOS prompt I entered dir|more. When I saw that defender.exe was there, at the DOS prompt I entered del defender.exe. POOF! it was gone.
This could also have been done through Windows Explorer, but after defender.exe is sent to the Recycle Bin one must go to the Recycle Bin and empty it, and it is still there somewhere to be recalled. Using the DEL command at the DOS prompt seems to be more permanent. If you have an OS version newer than XP and not DOS based or without access to a DOS prompt, then you’ll have to go through Explorer. Through Explorer I deleted the last fetch file for defender.exe. Anyway, it’s gone.
I was running Firefox when I got this nastyware; I was reading jokes on a joke site when it happened. I had been on the site for at least an hour.

Holli May 26th, 2024 at 10:36 pm

Iyce – thank you!!! worked like a charm

Punk June 12th, 2024 at 4:36 pm

THANKS Iyce!!! My husband got this baddie on his XP computer and I’ve tried for 2 days to rid him of it. I could not start in Safe Mode, access the Internet or run programs such as MalwareBytes, etc. and could not run regedit, etc. But, using YOUR advice, it worked like a charm!!!! He is now rid of the Defender.exe and all of it’s woes to us. THANKS again Iyce!!!!

GG July 30th, 2023 at 8:28 pm

THANK YOU!!! I got this defender.exe by clicking a link on – just in case anyone else ends up with it… Luckily, I only fought with it for about a total of 4 hours… thank you again!!!

Ed July 30th, 2023 at 9:27 pm

My stepdad’s laptop got it also.
1. Shut off laptop.
2. Start laptop Windows XP safe mode (F8).
3. Located shortcut for virus on Desktop.
4. Opened shortcut properties.
5. Find target.
6. Delete defender.exe
7. Opened c:\Windows\Prefetch
8. Deleted all files in folder
9. Rebooted and ran Housecall

Ed July 30th, 2023 at 9:31 pm

The virus shortcut pointed to the c:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\defender.exe

When going into safe mode, choose the infected profile so the shortcut is on the desktop.

Alan Shore August 31st, 2023 at 11:28 am

Three cheers for IYCE! Thank you so much. Your advise was followed and worked well. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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