Windows Stability Alarm Virus Removal Guide

Windows Stability Alarm is a fake security application. Windows Stability Alarm is one of many fake applications which include Windows Verifying Center and Windows Accelerating Utility. Each new version has the same look with a different name for the application and a new application is generally created daily. The application is fake for a variety of reasons. For example, it is generally installed without the user permission, which is generally not normal for programs because programs generally have a list of terms that the user must adhere to before being installed. Another reason why it is fake is that it can scan the entire computer in less than one minute, which is not normal for a security application. For example, a security application like Norton can take around 30+ minutes to scan. The application is a rogue security application. Unfortunately, there is no option to uninstall Windows Stability Alarm and the program will ask for a registration key or code. The user can’t uninstall Windows Stability Alarm because the program wants the user to purchase it. One of the main symptoms is that Windows Stability Alarm will block the user from using Internet Explorer. We have provided a fix below (please view the video). The previous version of Windows Stability Alarm is called Windows Verifying Center.

Below is our recommended removal tool for Windows Stability Alarm. The removal tool has been rated 5 cows out of 5 by Tucows and was previously CNET’s Editor’s Choice. Feel free to download it below.

If you are unable to run Internet Explorer, we have created a video below to show how to access the internet. With the internet, you will be able to download the removal tool. We have tested the removal tool and it has successfully removed Windows Stability Alarm.

We recommend reading through our removal tips before attempting to manually remove Windows Stability Alarm. There are generally some steps which can be applied to the removal of a majority of fake applications. For example, there are around 20 or 30 previous versions of Windows Stability Alarm which share similar removal steps. Below are some fake warnings shown by Windows Stability Alarm.

It is recommended to use safe mode when attempting to remove Windows Stability Alarm. Windows Stability Alarm shouldn’t load in safe mode. To enter safe mode, restart the computer and press F8 multiple times before the Windows screen to bring up the boot options.

Boot Menu

We recommend using safe mode with networking. Networking will allow you to use the internet connection.

View Windows Stability Alarm Files
View Windows Stability Alarm Keys

Manual Windows Stability Alarm Removal – In order to manually remove Windows Stability Alarm, the processes associated with Windows Stability Alarm must be stopped, the files associated with the processes must be removed, and the registry entries must be corrected to the previous state before Windows Stability Alarm entered the computer.

Stop Windows Stability Alarm Processes (Learn How To Do This)
[six random letters].exe

Remove Windows Stability Alarm Files (Learn How To Do This)

Windows XP – C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\[six random letters].exe

Windows Vista & Windows 7 – C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\[six random letters].exe

Remove Windows Stability Alarm Registry Keys (Learn How To Do This)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Windows Stability Alarm
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Windows Stability Alarm

Remove Windows Stability Alarm Startup Entry (Learn How To Do This)
[six random letters].exe

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