What is a Rogue Antivirus Program?

A rogue antivirus program is a program which installs itself on a user’s computer (generally without user’s acknowledgment) and uses malicious tools to slow their computer down and convince the user that they have spyware, computer viruses, and adware on their computer. The software will continue to show pop ups to the user in hopes that they will purchase the software because the user may be scared that their computer is infected with computer viruses. It also uses exaggerated results to scare the user into purchasing the software. However, the software will not remove any spyware or viruses at all. Generally, the software is downloaded through a trojan horse and then installed on the user’s computer. Many fake antivirus programs will attempt to look legitimate by attempting to associate themselves with real software companies. In doing so, they can potentially trick the user into purchasing the program.

Many rogue security programs have been cloned from old threats into new threats and therefore have similar characteristics. Some will just have a different name while others will just operate slightly different. Generally, reading about how to remove the previous clone of the virus can help to remove the current clone of the virus. It is also important to read comments from users on how they removed a specific virus since some of the advice could be useful. However, it is also important to use discretion when reading the comments since specific advice may not apply to the new virus.

Rogue Antivirus Removal – Users have submitted over the years hundreds of comments on how they have successfully removed a specific rogue antivirus program. Below we have listed the pages with the highest number of comments to read through. We have also create links to specific comments which may be useful. Please use discretion when reading the comments since they may not directly related to the specific virus you may be trying to remove; however, they do provide information into removing rogue antivirus programs.

Posts -
AV Security Suite – View Comments
System Security – View Comments
Antivirus 360 – View Comments
Antivirus Pro 2023 – View Comments
Antispyware Soft – View Comments
Antivirus Pro 2023 – View Comments
Antivirus Suite – View Comments
Security Tool – View Comments
Internet Security 2023 – View Comments
AV.exe – View Comments
AVE.exe – View Comments

Comments -
The Rad – View Comment
Joyce – View Comment
Wolfeye90 – View Comment
Mo – View Comment
Michael – View Comment
Lock – View Comment
Aden- View Comment
IT Dude- View Comment
Arkinen – View Comment
Jim – View Comment

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 25th, 2023 at 5:18 pm and is filed under Rogue Application Removal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

11 Responses to “What is a Rogue Antivirus Program?”

Jon November 17th, 2023 at 9:37 am

Does anyone have an adress/phone number for the originators of this scam. My wife paid the $49.00 from our account, and I want it back.

Brian Harvey April 22nd, 2024 at 4:28 pm

So would I be right in thinking that my money could well be lost and does this mean I will have to buy another system for my PC.Could you advise on a frist class one
Many thanks

Camden May 19th, 2024 at 5:24 am

Would reinstalling you OS work? I have tried alot of different methods and it seems to block all of them. A reply would be wonderful as it really has prevented me from using my computer : (

Lisa Wilson September 17th, 2023 at 10:06 pm

I purchased System Security for $75.00 back in May 2023. Could this mess up my ability to go on the web thru internet explorer? When I click internet explorer, it tells me “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage.” When I diagnose the problem, it tells me “Windows did not find a connection problem.” Somebody please help me!!!

erick September 28th, 2023 at 8:45 pm

i foolishly bought savekeep and know im beong charged 99 dollars. i just want to know if there is someway of not paying that amount or what should i do…???
i need help…

scott October 24th, 2023 at 5:55 am

reinstalling the os does not work you may need to get a new drive and security tools is also a rouge be careful all who read this

Brian T March 20th, 2024 at 6:31 pm

How do I remove vista total security 2011?
The instructions on the guide don’t seem to work.

Carrie Johnson April 1st, 2024 at 12:19 am

Try restarting your computer, pushing F8…repeatedly until you get the screen where you can select Safe Mode…BUT don’t select this…Select Reboot to the last known Safe Config………..(or however it’s said) This worked!

DeFiNeNoHerOz April 3rd, 2024 at 1:08 pm

@ carrie johnson

this may have worked for you, but that only goes bac to before the virus was activated (by which ever means the .exe was executed) if you are going to do this, run several scans to make sure its gone. I use AVAST! antivirus (FREE), malwarebytes antimalware, superantispyware and finally spybot search and destroy (the most important tool as it asks the user before making any changes to the registry)

good luck all :)


Sherry April 11th, 2024 at 1:15 pm

Thank you so much for the great info. Saved me a lot of time. Much appreciated

Tim April 28th, 2024 at 3:42 pm

How do I remove XP anti-virus 2011 from my computer or how can I go back to a point where my system was running properly? Thanks

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